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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers is against the Law

LAPD has recently issued a citation for the repeated use of illegal leaf blowers on E. Channel Road. They are bad for everyone's health and the environment. Users and their employers may face fines of $100 for each use according to Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) 112 (c). Some residents in our neighborhood have pooled their funds and purchased a legal electric leaf blower for about $100. For additional information please click on
For a printable flyer to give to your gardener please click on
Gas-powered Leaf Blower Flyer


Sunday, November 6, 2011

We've posted the Minutes from our October 13, 2011 meeting on the PPCC website.  Check out the latest news on:

1.  Things happening in Potrero Canyon, with DWP street markings around tow, motorcycle noise and illegal car sales in the Alphabet Streets (Sec. 7.1).

2.  Police updates including the federally-ordered  release of non-violaent state prisoners starting in January 2012 (Sec. 8.2).

3.  What's going on with the community care facility and billboard ordinances, along with Administrative Citation Enforcement efforts for building code violations (Sec. 8.3, 8.4).

4.  PPCC wants City traffic impacts considered when the County does real estate development.  Case in point is a huge project in Marina del Rey that is going to impact our traffic (Sec. 10.1).

5.  The City's efforts to update laws regarding the aesthetics of retaining walls (Sec. 10.2).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Streamling Traffic Signals on Sunset Blvd, - ATSAC

Work is performed on Sunset Blvd. which requires closure of the eastbound right lane in stages from PCH to Kenter for a project which will streamline the traffic signals. According to the contractor, the work along the street is expected to be completed by March of 2012. This project includes trenching for cables and sensors, upgrade of signal technology, installation of cameras, and left turn arrows.

A number of residents have asked what this is all about.

The upgrade of the traffic signals on Sunset is part of the Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) System, a state of the art technology that can reduce travel time by 12 percent, intersection delay by 32 percent and intersection stops by 30 percent. Los Angeles is a pioneer in the use of this traffic mitigation technology. At a conference at Duke, they showed what all traffic control centers of the next century will look like. LA is the model for ATSAC.

The installation of the ATSAC technology aims to create a steady flow of traffic at 35 mi/hr on Sunset through the Palisades

The City's ATSAC control center is four floors underground below City Hall East.

The speed/traffic sensors along the freeways and the freeway cameras are part of the ATSAC system.

ATSAC is a computer-based traffic signal control system that monitors traffic conditions and system performance, selects appropriate signal timing (control) strategies, and performs equipment diagnostics and alert functions. Sensors in the street detect the passage of vehicles, vehicle speed, and the level of congestion. This information is received on a second-by-second (real-time) basis and is analyzed on a minute-by-minute basis at the ATSAC Operations Center, to determine if better traffic flow can be achieved by changing the signal timing. If required, the signal timing is either automatically changed by the ATSAC computers or manually changed by the operator using communication lines that connect the ATSAC Center with each traffic signal. To supplement the information from electronic detectors, closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance equipment has been and continues to be installed at critical locations throughout the City.

The Department has installed CCTV cameras at 270 locations and new sites are being added. The major benefit of the ATSAC System is the ability to effectively manage dynamic traffic flow. Evaluation studies of the ATSAC System show that travel times, traffic signal delay, vehicular stops, air emissions and fuel use are significantly reduced.

The ATCS will automatically adjust traffic signal timing in response to current traffic demands by allowing ATCS to simultaneously control all three critical components of traffic signal timing, namely cycle length, phase split and offset.

The full report can be found at the LA City DOT site at:


Monday, October 3, 2011

10,000 Non-violent Prisoners to be Released Starting January 2012

At the Community Police Advisory Board (C-PAB) meeting last Tuesday, LAPD announced that, beginning January 2012, 10,000 non-violent prisoners will be given $200 each and released unsupervised from LA County prisons. LAPD warned that citizens should be prepared for a significant increase in crimes.

C-PAB is attended by leaders of neighborhood and community councils and home owners associations and an urgent request was made by LAPD to distribute this information to the residents.

The release of the prisoners is the result of a controversial decision by the United States Supreme Court which requires that tens of thousands of California state prisoners will be released because of violations of cruel and unusual punishment.

The order is due to overcrowding, leading to what the court calls "constitutional violations." It is one of the largest prison release orders in U.S. history.


LA City Administrative Code Enforcement - ACE

Residents in the Palisades and elsewhere in the City have been frustrated by the non-enforcement of City Ordinances and laws, generally contained in the City Municipal Code: Barking dogs, noisy parties, construction without permits, illegal construction, dog bites, gas powered leaf blowers, and the list goes on. Non-enforcement affects public safety, creates visual blight, and creates public nuisances.

A violation of the Municipal Code is a criminal act and the City Attorney's office says that they are not prosecuting such "minor" infractions criminally with staffing shortages and the courts overloaded with much more severe cases, alas: no enforcement, lawless behavior and citizen frustration.

The City Departments are just as frustrated. The public safety aspects of increasingly brazen violators of the Municipal Code are of major concern especially within LAPD, Animal Services, Housing Authority, and Building and Safety, and in the City Attorney's Office itself.

Council member Paul Koretz with the support from City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has sponsored an enforcement program that addresses the many unenforced violations of the City's Municipal Code. It decriminalizes minor violations and allows the inspectors in the field to issue tickets similar to parking tickets. This Administrative Code Enforcement (ACE) system is designed to be self funding through the collection of fines and not a burden on the tax payers.

PPCC has taken a position of support for the ACE program with special emphasis on enforcement of Building and Safety code violations. We must support this ordinance to bring law and order back to our community, stop the brazen scofflaws, and bring respectability back to the City Inspectors and Officers who are charged with enforcement but find their efforts negated by the City Attorney's refusal to prosecute.

The link to the LA Times article below provides additional details.,0,4753148.story


Friday, September 30, 2011

Suspects Sought In Amalfi Burglary

By Sue Pascoe, Staff Writer

Three burglary suspects broke into a residence on the 700 block of Amalfi on Tuesday, September 13, at 9 p.m. and took an unknown amount of property, including jewelry.

The men were caught on surveillance tape as they gained entry by forcing open the front door.

They are described as 1) black male, 6' around 235 pounds 25 to 30 years old; 2) black male, 5'9' and 185 pounds, 25 to 30 years old; and 3) black male, 5'9' and 185 pounds about 30 years old.

According to a KCBS story on September 21, police said the men are suspected of multiple crimes that have occurred recently along the Sunset Boulevard corridor in Pacific Palisades. LAPD's West Los Angeles Burglary Detective Greg Davis at (310) 444-1568 is seeking information.

Senior Lead Officer Michael Moore reminds residents to remain vigilant, lock doors, set alarms and report any suspicious activity.

To view the surveillance video, go to:

Re-published courtesy Palisadian-Post

Sunday, September 25, 2011

PPCC Board Meeting - 09.08.11

PPCC Board Meeting - 09.08.11

The PPCC has been working hard to protect and improve the quality of life in Pacific Palisades.  Do any of these topics interest you?

*  Preserving our beautiful PRIDE bus benches
*  Improvements in Portrero Canyon
*  Asilomar street repairs
*  Night-time noise from organized motorcycle rides
*  Improvements to the California Incline and Pacific Coast Highway
*  Upcoming Park Advisory Board Meetings at the Recreation Center
*  LA Bureau of Santitation's plans to raise rates and fix infrastructure
*  Sewage spill onto Malibu Village and Pacific Coast Highway
*  Proposal to study a Business Improvement District by Palisadian merchants
*  The City's proposal to change municipal regulations that govern off-site signs (billboards)
*  AEG Stadium

If so, then please take a look at the minutes from our meeting by clicking on this link:

Friday, September 16, 2011

News From Rustic Canyon Park

Rustic Canyon RC Ball Field in process
City Engineer advises that the Rustic Canyon "Prop K" project will be completed in mid-November 2011.  Delay attributed to need for hydroseeded grass to grow and an oversight in the contracting process that missed the need to install needed irrigation infrastructure for the field.  Well, the voters did vote on this specific project which was defined as an irrigation project.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Suspect Sought in Antique Gift Store Robbery

 September 12, 2011                                                                                                          

Suspect Sought in Antique Gift Store Robbery

Los Angeles.  LAPD West Los Angeles Area detectives are asking for the public’s help in providing any information that will lead to the arrest of a suspect responsible for a robbery in the West Los Angeles Area.

On September 12, 2011, at approximately 10:20 a.m., an African-American male entered “The Gift Garden Antiques Store”, located at 15266 Antioch Boulevard.  The suspect entered the location and forced the owner to the rear of the store, when he then tied her up.  The Suspect  took the money from the register and several gold and silver items. The suspect walked away from the store in an unknown direction. 

The suspect is described as an African-American male that appeared to be 20-25 years of age.  He stood about 6 feet tall and weighs about 150 pounds.  The suspect was dressed in dark colored clothing and was armed with a handgun. 

The suspect is considered ARMED and DANGEROUS.

Anyone with information on this crime is urged to call West L.A. Robbery Detectives at (310) 444-1520
During non-business hours or on weekends, calls should be directed to 1-877-LAPD-24-7.    
Anyone wishing to remain anonymous should call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (800-222-8477).  
Tipsters may also contact Crime Stoppers by texting to phone number 274637 (C-R-I-M-E-S on most keypads) with a cell phone.   
All text messages should begin with the letters “LAPD.” 
Tipsters may also go to, click on "webtips" and follow the prompts.

# # #

Thursday, July 28, 2011

PPCC Opposes Parking In Front of Residential Driveways

Friends of PPCC,
Call Councilman Rosendahl at 310- 575-8461 or join us at City Hall on Wednesday, July 27 at 2 p.m. to oppose on-street parking in front of residential driveways.  Read more below.
Janet Turner, Chair
Pacific Palisades Community Council 
July 25, 2011                                                  Via E mail
Councilmember Bill Rosendahl
200 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Re:      PPCC Opposes Rosendahl Motion to Allow the City of Los Angeles to Issue Permits for On-Street Parking in Front of Residential Driveways / Continued Consideration by City Transportation Committee on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 2:00 PM.
Dear Councilmember Rosendahl:
PPCC is opposed to your Motion that instructs the City to examine the benefits of using a local permit process to allow residents to park in front of their driveways
because on-street parking in front of driveways presents many safety concerns and:
1      Is wholly opposite to the primary reason the CVC does not allow the same. I.E., emergency vehicles must be able to park out of the way of street traffic.  There is no rational basis to prioritize increased residential parking supply over the safety of a single Los Angeles resident or a first-responder.
2      Will not only restrict three-point turns, it will eliminate the space for a car to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.
3      Ignores the fact that many streets, such as the Alphabet Streets in the Palisades, often have room for only one car to pass and the escape is into the open space in front of driveways. This problem is magnified with construction vehicles, dumpster and large vehicles parked on our neighborhood streets.
Attached is a letter detailing several other concerns.
We would encourage you to consider withdrawing the Motion, primarily because it presents safety concerns.
Janet Turner, Chairman 
Pacific Palisades Community Council  
CC:  City Council Transportation Committee, Whitney Blumenfeld, Joaquin Macias, John Gregory, Norm Kulla

Pacific Palisades Community Council, your voice in the community
This list is solely used for communication and notification on issues pertaining to the Pacific Palisades Community Council We do not share this list with others. If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, please reply to this e-mail with the word "REMOVE" in the subject area.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Photos From The 4th of July Parade

A few snaps from our own Jennifer Malaret of the Pacific Palisades 4th of July Parade.

Thanks Jennifer!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Heads Up From the Chair

Heads Up from the Chair
By  Janet Turner   (Editor: Barbara Marinacci)

1 . Warning about July 4th vulnerability to burglary

The LAPD's  West LA Area's Commanding Officer, Captain Evangelyn Nathan, recently sent out an e-mail asking us to assist the police force in deterring local property thefts during the all-day 4th of July festivities that go on here. Many residents participate in the celebration, and Pacific Palisades also attracts lots of out-of-towners who enjoy spending Independence Day with us.

The LAPD, of course, will assign plenty of officers to watch over the three crowd-attracting local events-the 5 /10 K run, the small-town-style parade through the Village, and the fireworks show at PaliHi. Knowing how focused the police will be and aware that the Palisades is an upscale community, burglars doubtless plan to reap benefits from people's absences from their premises. They will search for homes whose residents, clearly elsewhere, have negligently left doors unlocked and windows open.
The weekly crime reports that many of us see surprise and even shock us with ample evidence that people living here often fail to protect home security, and also that they and visitors to this community get careless about leaving valuables clearly visible in their unlocked vehicles.
So if you're going away from your house anytime on the 4th, please lock your doors and windows-and turn on your alarm system if you have one.  And whether you leave your car at home or drive and park it elsewhere, keep it locked … and hide from view anything you don't want to be stolen.
Although our community seems quite safe compared with most other ones in the LA area, it is often vulnerable to property crimes. And therefore so are YOU. Be extra vigilant on Monday, July the 4th!

2.  Retirement of Fire Chief

We have learned that Fire Chief Millage Peaks is retiring on July 11, after 35 years with the LAFD-including the past 22 months spent as its head administrator.  In that position, he was obliged to oversee the severe decisions, caused by ever-worsening fiscal conditions in the City of Los Angeles, that strip some $54 million from the Department's 2011-12 budget. Doubtless the widespread protests of outraged citizens, to which our Community Council and Palisades residents contributed,  vocally at meetings and in print, caused Chief Peaks unwelcome stress. He will soon be relieved of it.  However, we'll have new stresses of our own, for as of July  5-the day after our town's traditional 4th of July celebrations-Pacific Palisades' fire station in the midst of the Village will undergo drastic cuts.  Station 69, alas,  will be one of LAFD's cost-cutting targets, with 12 firefighters (a third of its accustomed personnel) departing and Engine 69 removed from dependable service here.  Despite LAFD's assurances, we will no longer feel adequately protected from fires that start up in the mountain areas just beyond our homes.  We are pleased that Councilman Bill Rosendahl ultimately voted against the proposed new LAFD budget,  and also continues to express his concerns -as he did in his Letter to the Editor published in the Palisadian-Post on June 30-over the Palisades' increased vulnerability due to its unique geographic isolation, with few traffic routes into the community.

3.  AEG's plan for a new stadium and revamped Convention Center

AEG has a proposal to the City of Los Angeles that's pending City Council approval. This ambitious entertainment company wants to construct an NFL stadium, to be called Farmers' Field and seating up to 76,000 people, in downtown Los Angeles. Planned to be operational by 2016, it would be located next to the Convention Center, where AEG would demolish an outmoded hall and build a new one, and also create new parking lots nearby. The construction work and, later, hospitality services, would generate many thousands of decidedly needed new jobs.  AEG's CEO, Tim Leiweke, recently presented the plan's specifics at a meeting of the Pacific Palisades Community Council, some of whose members expressed doubts about this ambitious project's feasibility. A much larger meeting of representatives from District 11's eight neighborhood and community councils, as well as concerned members of the public, took place in Mar Vista on June 27. Three PPCC representatives, Quentin Fleming (a USC business professor) and Jamie Schloss (Attorney),  and Jim Rea (MBA, Realtor) again questioned particular aspects of AEG's plan. For instance, what would happen if AEG couldn't persuade an AFL league team to sign a franchise deal and move to Los Angeles (which in past years lost two such teams)? And what protections would be in place to protect the City of LA, already in financial straits, from being further imperiled if the stadium, with its construction partly funded by municipal bonds, failed to generate sufficient income? Other speakers also challenged the wisdom of AEG's plans. It was also pointed out that a competitor, Ed Roski, already has a permit to build an NFL stadium in the City of Industry, which wouldn't present the traffic congestion problems that already beset downtown L.A.

We're pleased that Councilman Bill Rosendahl, who had set up the Mar Vista meeting, has asked five Palisadians to serve on his blue-ribbon panel , which will further investigate the wisdom of allowing AEG to proceed with this project-subject as it must be to City Council approval. They are Richard Cohen, Quentin Fleming, Jamie Schloss, Jim Rea all from PPCC, plus John Petrick former Chamber President.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Proposed New Football Stadium for Los Angeles

Tim Leiweke, President and CEO of AEG, the owners and operators of STAPLES Center and L.A.LIVE will be speaking at Pacific Palisades Community Council on Thursday, June 9, 2011 about the multi-purpose Event Center and modernization plans proposed for the Convention Center in Downtown Los Angeles (commonly referred to as "The Stadium")

In an e mail to PPCC, Mr. Leiweke's representative said "We have found that there is a lot of mis-information about the project and welcome the opportunity to speak to the community about the proposal.  As you know, this project has attracted City-wide attention as the event center would be the home to an NFL team. 

If anyone would like to learn more or has an opinion about the proposed Stadium I would like to encourage them to attend PPCC.  We met at the Palisades Library 861 Alma Real Drive, Pacific Palisades, on Thursday June 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Janet Turner, Chair
Pacific Palisades Community Council

Thursday, May 19, 2011

City Council Votes on LAFD Deployment Plan

I spent Wednesday at City Hall as the City Council voted on the LAFD FY2011-2012 Deployment Plan that would make major cutbacks at Fire Station 69.

As we expected, the new plan was passed overwhelmingly.

Councilman Rosendahl presented a motion asking for full staffing at Fire Station 69. He spoke passionately several times about the fact that we are an isolated community that is a high brush fire zone. He insisted that Chief Peaks and City Council needed to consider that the current construction on the 405 at Sunset, and the sewer construction on PCH, along with the upcoming Santa Monica incline construction cause major traffic gridlock and will hamper response time to the Palisades that could endanger lives.

The bad news is that only two City Councilmembers voted against the proposal. Councilman Rosendahl was one.

The good news is that City Council did vote that this WILL NOT BE A PERMANENT CUT. And any concession from the Fire Union (they are expecting $7 million) would go
right back into restoring service. The Chief said he would be happy to negotiate with the Councilman when they were off the Council floor for a return of some of our men.

As for the jaws of life there is some good news. PPCC brought to the Fire Department's attention at our meeting on Friday that when we are at 50% staffing (which will be on many days with this new plan) the jaws of life will just sit in our station with the hook and ladder truck because there won't be enough manpower to run it. Chief Richmond told me today LAFD realized this was indeed a serious concern. They are now planning to go to the fire foundation that often gives them funds for special items, and get money to buy a battery run jaws of life that can be used on an Engine. We will always have enough men for an Engine.

In addition, City Council order Chief Peaks to report back to them every quarter on how the plan is working so that it can be re-evaluated if necessary. So if necessary
we can go back to City Hall every three months and plead our case.

Janet Turner, Chair
Pacific Palisades Community Council

Friday, May 13, 2011


Friday, May 13 is the last day for public comment on the Mayor's budget.  This includes the proposed fire station cutbacks that are officially known as the Los Angeles Fire FY 2011-2012 Deployment Plan.

It's important that City Council see large numbers of people opposed to these cutbacks. 

To make your voice heard you need to go to
City Hall, Room 330
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA

Public Comment will be from 10 a.m. to 4 or 5 p.m.

Warning:  Starting at noon LAUSD teachers will be descending on City Hall about cuts to teachers.

Parking is very expensive.  There are some lots a block or two away where you can get reasonable rates.

I'll see you there on May 13.



The actual vote on the Fire Station cutbacks (The Los Angeles Fire FY 2011-2012 Deployment Plan ) will be next Wednesday, May 18.
Although public comment will not be allowed, again, it is very important to show City Council that the people want to them to oppose the Fire Station Cutbacks.

You're presence will send a very loud message to those voting. 

Same location as above.  Same time.

I'll see you there.

In addition, Flo Elfant has created several disaster preparedness documents that can be downloaded for free at the following address.  Please take a moment to download these documents and familiarize yourself with their contents.  The time you take may just save the lives of you or your loved ones in the event of major emergency.

Emergency Preparedness Guides

Janet Turner, Chair
Pacific Palisades Community Council 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cutbacks at Fire Station 69

First let me say that Fire Station 69 is NOT CLOSING.

However there will be cut backs. They are cutting the manpower for our second engine.

The engine will stay at Station 69 and on Red Flag days will be manned, but on other days it will not.

In exchange we will be getting a second ambulance.

On Thursday, May 12 Councilman Rosendahl and LAFD Chief Peaks or one of his top deputies will be speaking at the PPCC meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Palisades Library. You are welcome to attend.

In the meantime, tell us how you feel about this, and we will pass your comments along to City and Fire officials.  Just click on the "comments" link immediately below this post.

Janet Turner

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to the PPCC Blog

Welcome to our new blog.  We now have the ability to post short articles about things of interest to those who live and work in Pacific Palisades.

From time to time we will ask you opinion on a variety of issues and you will be able to find links to the survey(s) in the side column to the right.

We hope you enjoy this new service from the Pacific Palisades Community Council and hope that you come back to visit us often.  We would love to hear your comments and you can contact us at

Thanks for now!

Janet Turner
Pacific Palisades Community Council