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Monday, February 25, 2013

School Board Candidates to Speak at PPCC Thursday, February 28 amongst other things

1. LAUSD District 4 Candidate Forum
Steve Zimmer (Incumbent) and  Kate Anderson will speak and take questions

2. PPCC will vote on a new Community Care Facilities Motion
Stop the City of LA from Gutting the Code and allowing Boarding homes in R1 and R2 zones.
(Below, please see proposed COMMUNITY CARE FACILITY ORDINANCE MOTION, recommended by the Land Use Committee in response to the recent City Council Motion by Richard Alarcon, seconded by Bill Rosendahl that will “GUT THE CODE” for our R1 and R2 residential zones by allowing by adding boarding houses as a “by right” use and enabling parolee-probationer homes to proliferate apartment building and all other areas zoned R3 and above without necessitating a conditional use permit.
Please direct all questions and comments to PPCC, Chris Spitz, Jennifer Malaret and George Wolfberg

3. Update from the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates about the Mayor's Budget Survey and the current state of the City's Budget - Guest: Jay Handal

Mayors Budget Survey is now LIVE

Please take the survey today
The Mayors Annual Budget Survey is now live and ready to be taken.
Please, give us your input by taking a few minutes and filling in the survey.

Below is the URL to cut and paste into your location box to access the survey.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us help you.

4.  2012 Golden Sparkplug Awards

Nominations are open until March 9.
Do you know someone who sparked an idea in 2012 that brought people together on a project that was a benefit to the community of Pacific Palisades, and was done on a purely volunteer basis?

Send your nominations to

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thursday, February 14 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Palisades Library 861 Alma Real Drive, PP 90272

1. Stop the City of LA from Gutting the Code and allowing Boarding homes in R1 and R2 zones.
(Below, please see proposed COMMUNITY CARE FACILITY ORDINANCE MOTION, recommended by the Land Use Committee in response to the recent City Council Motion by Richard Alarcon, seconded by Bill Rosendahl that will “GUT THE CODE” for our R1 and R2 residential zones by allowing by adding boarding houses as a “by right” use and enabling parolee-probationer homes to proliferate apartment building and all other areas zoned R3 and above without necessitating a conditional use permit.
Please direct all questions and comments to PPCC, Chris Spitz, Jennifer Malaret and George Wolfberg

2. Hear the the Candidates running for Council District 11 and let them know we won't have our quality of life jeopardized.  Please forward question for the CD-11 candidates to

Mike Bonin
Odysseus Bostick
Tina Hess
Fred Sutton

Pacific Palisades Community Council needs your help in finding a special Palisadian who should
receive the 2013 Golden Sparkplug Award. The Golden Sparkplug Award honors those
residents of the Palisades who ignited ideas and projects into community action in the Palisades that
benefit all of us. If you would like to nominate your favorite Palisadian, here are the criteria:
1. The person must have launched a new idea or project benefiting the overall community
during 2012. The project can still be in progress and/or completed.
2. The Project must have a major community impact and/or be a sustainable project.
3. It must have broad community effect and/or affect a large group of persons.
4. It must be a voluntary contribution above and beyond, and not business related or part of
one's business or job.
The nominee may be an adult or youth. But only one member of a group or committee is permitted.
Please send the name of your nominee along with an explanation of their community project, and
why you think they should receive the award in 200 words or less. Include your name, address and
phone number, as well as the phone number and address of the nominee. Your can e-mail your
nomination to, or mail them to Pacific Palisades Community Council, Golden
Sparkplug Award, P.O. Box 1131, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. Deadline for nominations is
Saturday, March 9, 2013. The Golden Sparkplug Award ceremony will be held in the Spring at a
gala event.

Jennifer Malaret, Chris Spitz and George Wolfberg. 

JANUARY 30, 2013 -

Whereas, for more than six years the City of Los Angeles has deemed it necessary to update the Los
Angeles Municipal Code’s (“LAMC”) existing definitions of family and boarding/rooming houses
to provide effective tools for the City to enforce its zoning laws relative to transient shared housing
operations in low-density R1 and R2 zones.
Whereas, the Pacific Palisades Community Council (“PPCC”) has supported an update to the zoning
code via the enactment of a well-balanced Community Care Facilities Ordinance (“CCFO”),
currently evidenced by Planning’s most recent Report No. R13-0014 (the “January 2013 CCFO”)1.
PPCC has asked for nominal protections as found in other cities that seek to maintain stable single family
neighborhoods by:
• prohibiting unlicensed and illegal boarding homes, as well as parolee/probationer facilities,
• imposing concentration and distance limits from sensitive uses, and
• public notice for larger facilities that serve seven (7) or more residents.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Pacific Palisades Community Council:
(A) OPPOSES the Alarcon-Rosendahl- Amending Motion (“Gut the Code”) because this
proposed amendment would eliminate the historic prohibition of the establishment of boarding
houses in low-density R1 and R2 zones by removing the definitions of “family”, “paroleeprobationer home,” “single housekeeping unit” and “boarding or rooming house” from the zoning code. Alarcon-Rosendahl’s Gut the Code Motion also eliminates the requirement for a conditional use permit for parolee-probationer homes in any residential building located in R3 or more
restrictive zones. Thus, the Alarcon-Rosendahl Gut the Code Motion opens all residential areas of
the Palisades2 to transient boarders by allowing any R1 and R2 property owner to rent to as many
persons, including paroles/probationers, as the code allows without parking requirements, and
performance standards to protect neighbors and limits to protect residential blocks, schools and
(B) SUPPORTS the proposed Westside Regional Alliance of Councils’ (“WRAC”) Motion written
in opposition to the Alarcon-Rosendahl Gut the Code Motion:
We, the members of the Westside Regional Alliance of Councils, oppose Amending Motion 31B,
submitted January 30, 2013 to Council File 11-0262, on the following grounds: (1) Lack of
1 The January 2013 CCFO was written following four (4) human executions that occurred in an
overcrowded, unlicensed City of Los Angeles boarding home and a unanimous vote of the City Council’s
Public Safety Committee on January 2, 2013 recommending that the Council approve the CCFO subject to
several amendments.
2 PPCC urges all homeowner groups and stakeholders to research and consider that perceived protections
offered by HOAs, CC&Rs, & other covenants may not apply due to federal and state housing laws.
sufficient staff support and lack of a funding mechanism, (2) Inability to presently enforce codes, (3)
Anticipated 10% across the board budget cuts to all City departments slated for FY 2013-2014, and
(4) Complete lack of transparent fiscal analysis. We further strongly oppose the continued gutting
of the R1 and other low-density residential zones in the City of Los Angeles. The General Plan of the
City of Los Angeles protects the residential character of these zones. The City is therefore required
by law to prepare a General Plan Amendment and to produce a full Environmental Impact Report in
compliance with CEQA to establish any ordinance adding boarding houses as a by right use into
low density residential zones.
(1) Maintain and preserve the definitions of “family”, “parolee-probationer home,” “single
housekeeping unit” and “boarding or rooming house” in the January 2013 CCFO;
(2) Preserve the conditional use permit requirement for Parolee-Probationer Homes as listed in
the January 2013 CCFO;
(3) Maintain and preserve the Parking Requirement, Public Benefit and Performance Standards
as listed in the January 2013 CCFO;
(4) Ensure that the City’s zoning authorities shall have appropriate enforcement resources for all
licensed and unlicensed Community Care Facilities with nuisance, parking, infrastructure
overutilization and zoning problems, and that all landlords of Community Care Facilities
be required to appropriately and sustainably pay into a dedicated fund to ensure all
funding, manpower and other resources to perform such enforcement.
(5) Provide a phase-in period of one year coupled with a reduced [or waived] fee for that year
for the Directors Determination specified in LAMC 12.22 EXCEPTIONS, A. USE #27,
REASONABLE ACCOMODATION to provide a path to legitimacy for existing
unlicensed group homes which do not adhere to the definitions specified in (C)(1) herein
but serve protected populations as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(6) Include the recommendations of LAPD Chief Charlie Beck set forth in the Chief’s August
14, 2012 letter to City Council [previously circulated/public document; available upon

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January and February 
are packed with important events at PPCC Meetings, and
at sponsored events by PPCC.
All are welcome to attend and participate.

1. PPCC Meeting Thursday, January 24 at 7 p.m.

New Location: Palisades Recreation Center
Small Gym  -  851 Alma Real Drive.

TOPIC:  DWP Distributing Station 104  (7:20 p.m)

Part 1.  Topic Introduction and Introduction of PPCC Board Members appointed by DWP to the DS-104 Task Force (Amy Kalp, Public Safety, Police & Fire and PPCC Representatives on the DS-104 Task Force; Kelly Comras; Paul Glasgall; Jim Rea; Gil Dembo; Joyce Brunelle).

 Q&A Period Limited to Questions from PPCC Board Members directed to those PPCC Board Members who Have a Dual Role as DS-104 Task Force Members.

Part 2.  General Public Comment – DS-104 Substation (7:40 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)

    Procedures: speaker cards will be provided and must be completed by anyone wishing to comment. 
Speaker cards will be organized in an order to be determined by PPCC.
Speaker time will be allocated based on the number of persons wishing to speak during the time period allotted for the meeting up until approximately 9 PM. 

Prospective speakers should plan to limit their public comment to between 1 and 3 minutes. All members of the public are expected to adhere to and honor their allotted time period for comment. 

City of Los Angeles Park and Recreation Staff have graciously agreed to donate their facilities and their time/timer for the purpose of this meeting. There shall be no rebuttal, no opportunity to speak twice and no ability to cede one’s allotted time to another speaker. All participants at this meeting are required to adhere to the code of conduct and code of ethics for public service.

All are welcome to attend and participate.

2.  Pacific Palisades Community Council 
Palisades-Brentwood Planning Department Forum

Proposed Comprehensive Zoning Code Revision
For the City of Los Angeles

Gilbert Hall
Palisades Charter High School

Saturday – January 26, 2013
9:30 am – 12:00 pm

This is a meeting hosted as a public service by PPCC for the community to become informed about the proposed Comprehensive Zoning Code Revision for the City of
Los Angeles that is being currently proposed by the City’s Planning Department. 
Initial changes are proposed to affect low-density residential zones and open space. 

The Public is Welcome & the Meeting is Free!

3.   PPCC Land Use Committee Meeting
      Agenda:  TBA    
          Date: Thursday, February 7 
          Location: The Palisades Library
          Time:  12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
          Open to the Public.

4.  PPCC Meeting
City of Los Angeles Council District 11 Election 
Candidates’ Forum 

    Thursday February 14, 2013 from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
     Location: Palisades Library

 PPCC will be dedicating its regularly scheduled meeting on February 14 as a 

community service for Palisades and West Los Angeles residents to come celebrate 
Valentine's Day with your community and meet the candidates who are vying for election as 
Los Angeles Council District 11’s next Councilmember. 

The Candidates who will be in 
attendance, with referral to their websites are: 

     Mike Bonin; 


   Tina Hess and 

Sutton - 

Any member of the 
public is free to forward questions for the CD-11 candidates to

(Questions will NOT be provided to the Candidates in advance of the forum).