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Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July Photos

Photos from the Pacific Palisades 4th of July Parade taken by Janet Turner

PPCC Officers Elect: Chris Spitz, Barbara Kohn and Jennifer Malaret
PPCC Chair Emeritus Richard Cohen and Patti

PPCC Treasurer for Life Ted Mackie and Carolyn
City Councilman Bill Rosendahl and Mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel
Citizen of the Year and PPCC At Large Representative George Wolfberg
Community Service Award winner John Wilson and wife
Golden Sparkplug Winner Sam Lagana
Golden Sparkplug Winner Colleen McAndrews Wood
Palisadian Post Publisher Roberta Donahue with Graphics Director Ed Lowe
West LA Captain Evangelyn Nathan

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PPCC Newsletter - Spring 2012

PPCC Spring Newsletter - Right Click - Open in New Window to see readable image

Monday, January 9, 2012


The most recent hearing by the City Council's Planning and Land Use Management Committee ("PLUM") took place at City Hall on 12.5.11.  It became evident to those residents and neighborhood stakeholders in attendance that two out of the three committee members have turned deaf ears to residents on the big issues - advertising in parks and public facilities, grandfathering sign districts and billboard takedowns.  The draft ordinance is going back to the City Attorney and will be remanded for further PLUM public hearings likely to occur in the first quarter of 2012.

The PPCC urges you to become involved.  Contact us.  Join our efforts and opposition.  Come to a PPCC meeting (every other Thursday night in the Library) or go to City Hall.  Make your voice heard if you care about any of the following issues:

* Advertising and donor signs on public park land and in recreational center spaces (like our gyms, baseball fields and tennis courts at the Pacific Palisades Recreation Center);
* Billboards (including digital displays) in your parks, city owned facilities, schools, apartments and other multi-family property courtyards;
* Light trespass onto, and illumination of, residential properties located at traffic intersections;
* Honoring the intent of the 2002 City of Los Angeles' ban against additional billboards - meaning that for any new billboard put up, the removal of an equivalent amount of old billboard square footage would be mandatory; 
* The installation of 16 massive sign districts (including the LA Zoo) without public hearing, CEQA study, equity or social justice analysis or study of community benefit measures applied for.

The LA Times noted recently that City officials, in their desperate efforts to solve the current budget shortfall, are attempting to sell out our residential neighborhoods, city parks and other public facilities using off-site signage/billboards to "maximize special revenue from advertising opportunities, such as banners and signage."  The PPCC believes that this IS WRONG.