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Thursday, July 28, 2011

PPCC Opposes Parking In Front of Residential Driveways

Friends of PPCC,
Call Councilman Rosendahl at 310- 575-8461 or join us at City Hall on Wednesday, July 27 at 2 p.m. to oppose on-street parking in front of residential driveways.  Read more below.
Janet Turner, Chair
Pacific Palisades Community Council 
July 25, 2011                                                  Via E mail
Councilmember Bill Rosendahl
200 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Re:      PPCC Opposes Rosendahl Motion to Allow the City of Los Angeles to Issue Permits for On-Street Parking in Front of Residential Driveways / Continued Consideration by City Transportation Committee on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 2:00 PM.
Dear Councilmember Rosendahl:
PPCC is opposed to your Motion that instructs the City to examine the benefits of using a local permit process to allow residents to park in front of their driveways
because on-street parking in front of driveways presents many safety concerns and:
1      Is wholly opposite to the primary reason the CVC does not allow the same. I.E., emergency vehicles must be able to park out of the way of street traffic.  There is no rational basis to prioritize increased residential parking supply over the safety of a single Los Angeles resident or a first-responder.
2      Will not only restrict three-point turns, it will eliminate the space for a car to get out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.
3      Ignores the fact that many streets, such as the Alphabet Streets in the Palisades, often have room for only one car to pass and the escape is into the open space in front of driveways. This problem is magnified with construction vehicles, dumpster and large vehicles parked on our neighborhood streets.
Attached is a letter detailing several other concerns.
We would encourage you to consider withdrawing the Motion, primarily because it presents safety concerns.
Janet Turner, Chairman 
Pacific Palisades Community Council  
CC:  City Council Transportation Committee, Whitney Blumenfeld, Joaquin Macias, John Gregory, Norm Kulla

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1 comment:

b said...

I read the PPCC comments on this parking issue and what’s purported to be a ‘safety’ issue as a result.

I disagree with the premise that this will become a safety issue, but instead believe it to be posturing against parking permits and fees.

As emergency vehicles are visible for great distances, usually blocks in advance, there is no need to find an unoccupied driveway to pull into, but instead pull over at or near an intersection. Additionally most people will NOT be parking in those available driveway aprons anyway.

For the narrow streets in the Palisades that are in question here, many ways present to remedy parking and the access issue.
If the narrow streets were made one way, every other street in an opposite direction, there would not be opposing traffic, plus vehicles could be allowed to park on both sides. These become a win / win solution.

I’ve was a Planning Commissioner for a Dallas community of 100,000 and am aware of these kind of questions and my suggestion is a viable alternative to resolve the underlying parking problem as well as eliminate ‘safety’ issues raised by the council. Permits would become unnecessary and city staffing does not need to change. This might even be a financial benefit to the city, as parking citations on many of these additional vehicles might offset any cost for sign changes, etc.

Just food for thought on the issue.