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Monday, October 3, 2011

10,000 Non-violent Prisoners to be Released Starting January 2012

At the Community Police Advisory Board (C-PAB) meeting last Tuesday, LAPD announced that, beginning January 2012, 10,000 non-violent prisoners will be given $200 each and released unsupervised from LA County prisons. LAPD warned that citizens should be prepared for a significant increase in crimes.

C-PAB is attended by leaders of neighborhood and community councils and home owners associations and an urgent request was made by LAPD to distribute this information to the residents.

The release of the prisoners is the result of a controversial decision by the United States Supreme Court which requires that tens of thousands of California state prisoners will be released because of violations of cruel and unusual punishment.

The order is due to overcrowding, leading to what the court calls "constitutional violations." It is one of the largest prison release orders in U.S. history.


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